Saturday, January 8, 2011

Call of Duty: Black OPS - Opinions


Well it’s come to the time, given 2 months since its release, to post detailed views of my experiences with Black Ops.


The campaign was enjoyable, infuriating and to be honest, not particularly the longest single player experience ever, having acquired all but one offline (excluding Zombies) achievement in just over a week. I particularly enjoyed the plot twists, the way you had to plan where you were going and, as always, Treyarch’s unlimited respawn system which encourages you to push forward through the level rather than hang back and wait for the enemies to clear.


Well, we all have our views on this, people claming guns are over powered and underpowered etc.  I’m just going to out-right say it, all guns are effective if you you them the way they are intended to be used. This is going to be a bulky read so just bare with me.

A lot of people claim some guns are over-powered or underpowered or whatever but all guns in the game are effective in their own way, it’s what they’ve done do balance out games between different players and play styles. Obviously you aren’t going to win a close range gunfight against an SMG with an assault rifle unless the person with the SMG is inexperienced. It seems they can’t accept the fact that some guns are just better than others and have vendettas against the developers until they do something about it, then they’ll claim the new best gun is “overpowered” until no gun has any effect whatsoever, it’s a vicious cycle.

The spawn system is another thing I hear people complain about, however if you play it to your advantage it can be very helpful. Free For All games, for instance, will spawn you near the person who killed you last, giving you the option to risk the payback or go somewhere else.

I must add that I do enjoy the wager match modes, especially “One in the Chamber” and “Sharpshooter” modes which, although I;m not the best at them, they are so much fun to play when people aren’t using dirty tactics, namely the connection interrupters.

I heard people complain about “Christmas n00bs” ruining the game, however I took it as a way to gain easy kills from their poor knowledge. Admittedly they can bring a teams average down but everybody started somewhere and you’ve got to accept it. There is also the argument that experienced players just couldn’t afford it upon release!

I only have 2 MAJOR issues with the game , one of which revolves around how people play, with main focus being campers, who sit in choke points waiting for someone to walk through in order to gain cheap kills. My other qualm is related to host connections especially thanks to players leaving and being left in an objective game where it’s 3 vs 6 with no chance of obtaining or maintaining a lead.


The game is incredible and one every FPS player should own, just don’t take it too seriously and it’ll give many months of enjoyment.


Kradstar signing off