Monday, January 11, 2010

Xperia X10 vs iPhone?

I’ve recently been seriously considering a smartphone as an upgrade from my, be it incredibly sturdy, reliable and brilliant in every way, k850i candybar style phone.

Obviously, the iPhone is a choice that crosses the mind of every mobile user on the planet, using Apple’s bespoke operating system and the vast number of apps available for the device, plus being an iPod make it a very attractive device. Capacitive touch brings responsive control and Apple’s pinch control for zooming in and out on websites. Not to mention the ways in which the device can be upgraded with apps to make the camera a tad better.


However, SonyEricsson have brought a flagship Android device to the horizon, complete 8.1 megapixel camera, perfect for printing your house-sized photos with face recognition, and the ability to save names so the people can be, in theory, recognised again in future photos, thus tagging your snaps along with an LED camera light, which can only be expected to be used when it really matters. Capacitive 4” touch screen and, like the iPhone, no solid keyboard meaning everything is on-screen. Contacts and social networks are brought together through TimeScape, while MediaScape brings all your entertainment to you at the touch of an icon. There is also the tiny benefit of REMOVABLE storage, so you can keep your files if or when you upgrade.

As far as I can see, there are many features leading towards Sony, and having used a lot of Sony devices previously I may follow those instincts. The big factor is “dockability” which Apple seems to hold the market for, even Sony make limited devices that support their own products unless Bluetooth connection suits. The question is, do you think you could trade out docking for open source software, a stunning OS and plenty of free apps through the Android Market?

Maybe a Hands-On will decide.